정통사운드의 고급 텔레용 브릿지픽업이니다.


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디마지오사의 고품질 정통 텔레사운드를 위한 PRE B-1픽업으로

교체하시면... 단번에 업그레이드된 텔레를 가지시게 됩니다..


 Add beef to the middle and bottom-end of your TELE and ESQUIRE guitar bridge pickup sound with the Pre B-1T single-coil. We've preserved the bright, steel guitar-like fundamentals of the original pickup while boosting the mids and low-end to add punch and depth. You'll still cut through the band, but with a wider tone. If your TELE guitar feels thin in the mix, or just doesn't kick hard enough through your favorite vintage Tweed, thePre B-1TM is tweaked to put in the guts without surrendering the tone.